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Mobile App Design and Prototyping

Upcoming course: 26.03.20 On Thursdays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

User Interface Design

Upcoming course: 01.04.20 On Wednesdays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

Web Development

Upcoming course: 06.04.20 On Mondays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

Digital Illustration

Upcoming course: 21.04.20 On Tuesdays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

Web Design

Upcoming course: 02.04.20 On Thursdays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

Animation & 3D

Upcoming course: 28.04.20 On Tuesdays

Wireframes can be pencil drawings or sketches on a whiteboard, or they can be produced by means of a broad array of free or commercial software applications. Wireframes are generally created by business analysts, user experience designers, developers, visual designers, and by those with expertise in interaction design, information architecture and user research.

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kimverlag GmbH
Blauenblickstr. 18
79424 Auggen
+49(0)7631 93 19 404
Di – Do, 10 bis 16 Uhr
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Gültig ab sofort bis
30. September 2024


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